Dollar Menu Costing You Your Life (Yet)?

By on March 29, 2010

It will sooner or later! Preparing your own meals from scratch, will not only help you live long… the chances of dying a slow suicide are drastically reduced! Eating from the dollar menu may help stretch the dollar now, it’ll shrink the wallet later. You will pay later with pharmaceuticals, hospital bills, and your life. A dollar menu “treat” once in a blue moon won’t do a whole lot of damage, however… be careful! The cheap ingredients and chemicals are not only fattening, they’re addicting!

It is what we do most hours of the day and days of the week that count. Far too many people are digging their graves with their teeth and not giving it a second thought. Along with conceiving junk food junkies… we are entering a time where parents are outliving their children. A woman I met earlier this year told me about a study that was done on a family of 4 generations. Believe it or not, the oldest of these 4 generations was the healthiest of the bunch! Reason for this? The food they ate growing up was real – there wasn’t a fast food place on practically every corner, meals were not microwaved, food was grown, not sprayed and shipped in for miles.

It is possible to eat tasty healthy food for less – simply shop the outer walls of the grocery store and buy in bulk when possible. Community Sustained Agriculture (CSA’s), CoOp’s, Produce Swapping are other options as well. has a list of places in your area. Some families do what’s called “cow-pooling.” Buy your beef straight from farmer and divvy up!

Before you eat, ask yourself how a certain food or drink will make you look and feel. As a simple rule: aim to eat healthy most hours of the day and days of the week.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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