Is Your Body Showing You What You Should NOT Be Eating?

By on November 28, 2009

How I would love pizza more often, but looking and especially feeling less than I am capable of just isn’t worth it, at least NOT on a daily basis. A single binging frenzy can puff me up from head to toe and everything in between. If I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted, I would no doubt be fat!

If my built-in gauges didn’t scream loudly and show up so boldly, and if brain fog and fatigue didn’t take over me, perhaps I would partake in more big and delicious cooked meals. The cleaner my body has gotten, the quicker my warning lights come on – the eyelids disappear, the jowls appear, and the belly grows bigger than the bottom. These are a small price for me to pay compared to the damage being done to my long-term health. Growing up as an uneducated vegetarian, I ate a ton of cheese, bread, and carbs – so much so that I have no doubt in my mind these trapped a lot of old waste in, which later lead to autointoxication (circulating of old waste). Of course working as a hairdresser and in construction didn’t help (being around the chemicals).

My best advice to myself and others has been to eat healthy most hours of the day and days of the week. It gets easier and before long your body won’t crave what may causing it to age sooner than later. Challenge yourself to eat better for a week – experience and appreciate how it will make you look and feel. Your body will respond surprisingly well to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Once you attain your optimal health and weight, your body will speak volumes if and when you do eat poorly. These signs, along with the overall fat and cellulite, are built-in gauges telling you your body is in dire need of cleansing.

A mirror doesn’t lie… let it be one of your guides, gauges and scream for help. Don’t wait for a special occasion to look and feel your absolute best!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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