A Colored Pill Can Kill

By on May 25, 2009

“When someone is sick, more drugs are NOT what they need. A sick person already has an overload of toxins… illness is not caused from a deficiency of a certain pill.” Sherry Rogers, author of Detoxify or Die While working for Dr. Schulze I came across a customer whose job was to A Colored Pill Can Make You Illhook people up to a dialysis machine. He stated the majority of patients he worked with were on dialysis due to the OVERLY PRESCRIBED ANTIBIOTICS. The antibiotics caused their kidneys to no longer do their job.

Another customer I helped was a fairly young man who walked in with a cane. He too was undergoing dialysis three times a week. His kidneys were failing due to the pain pills he was prescribed for his back. Seeing that disgusted me, like seeing my own parents suffer needlessly.

You do have a choice on how well and attractively you age…prevention is key.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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