- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Age Less With Disease Prevention
“Nature gives you the face you have at 20, life shapes the face you have at 30… but at 50, you get the face you deserve…” Coco Chanel These days, DIET shapes many-a-faces long before their 2oth birthday! Aging less, disease prevention AND natural healing start with you and what’s at the end of your fork!
It’s as easy as putting your body on the same schedule as your vehicle – CLEAN IT OUT EVERY 3 MONTHS! Look and listen to it’s warning signs – your built in gauges. Don’t think you have any? Ever have puffy eyes, bloated belly, fat toes, blurred vision, lack of energy, bad breath, and/or itching in places where the sun doesn’t shine. These are just a few of the MANY signs and symptoms appearing in and on our body.
It is possible to prevent and stop premature aging and death – when you take care of yourself, weight and wrinkles will not be an issue and neither will HEALTH CARE REFORM! I do not see reform, only conform.
The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. ~Aldous Huxley~
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