- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Chronic Symptoms And No Relief?

“Living with an unresolved chronic symptom does not mean a lifetime of pain and suffering.” ~Dr. Richard DiCenso~
Mild, chronic, or acute… relief is in sight! A doctor and author with over 30 years experience of helping sufferers in more than 85 countries, Dr. DiCenso is a man ahead of his time. This very unique, home-based evaluation process isolates the ROOT CAUSE of chronic, unresolved symptoms in your biochemistry; Regarded by the medical and scientific community as a genuine medical anti-aging breakthrough.
Learn the TRUTH of how the lives of thousands of sufferers of things like diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain, inflammation, acid reflux, headaches, memory loss…even low energy and weight control — have dramatically changed. They now know why they feel the way they do. Their doctors have ‘missed the mark’ by ordering lab work that did not identify issues. Many prescribe costly prescription drugs and needless procedures, all… in hopes of bringing relief.
See how long time sufferers have begun to reverse what was once thought… irreversible. They finally know the ROOT CAUSE of their unresolved chronic symptoms. This alone is worth your weight in gold! Having conventional medicine’s blood work done on me earlier this year, showed I was only low on Vitamin D and anemic (from going through menopause). Just 2 months later I did this test, and they were like night and day. This test confirmed my adrenals were shot (and so much more).
Matrix Assessment Profile (The MAP) is – a process originally used by a team of bio-engineers at NASA to detect the health of astronauts. This technology looks into your biochemistry, identifies, then repairs the primary imbalance that has been at the source of your symptoms, pain and frustration.
Used by CEO’s, celebrities, athletes, and others, this test gets to the root cause of chronic unresolved symptoms. It can help enhance the performance, energy, and health of all. To get started on your own at-home test, watch this video.
Gone will be the days of one-size-fits-all, treat me like a number approach that has become a vicious cycle that many have come to accept as a normal part of aging..
“The reality is that prescription medications only mask the symptom and provide temporarily relief, but rarely address the reason that the symptoms exist in the first place—or the root cause of the symptom. This is how the pharmaceutical industry continues to keep you on its drugs.” ~The Team at Optimal Wellness Labs~
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