Goodbye Pain Pills. Hello Ice Cube!

By on June 16, 2015

my 12+ Hour temporary splint down a bumpy California 5 Fwy

my 12+ Hour temporary splint down a bumpy California 5 Fwy

WHEW! What a month I’ve had. From realizing I am in the midst of a spiritual awakening to breaking my wrist. Both of which cause physical pain. The spiritual one will be a post all of its own.

Having had a rib removed, I am no stranger to pain. Only pain pills (and hospitals).

In a nutshell, here’s the latest chapter in my life. And what I did to ease the pains.


6-10-15 Hopped back on big rig for what was gonna be a 3 week jaunt before I get my license to cruise the country behind the wheel.

6-11-15, 7:30AM – Broke radius bone @ wrist of my RIGHT dominant hand. Got up, sat down then fainted.

5:15PM – Went to hospital (after load delivered in L.A.)

6PM – Was given a sling and 1 Norco (pain pill). A first.

8PM-ish – A dose of morphine was given (along with something for my stomach)
10PM – numbing of sorts injected into wrist
11PM – 2nd dose of morphine
11:30 – something stronger (Duladda??)

Then came what felt like torture. Being in the pediatric ward, I did not expect to scream and cry like a baby, but I did. After stretching, the lining up of bones for that GIGANTIC temporary splint, some 16 hours after injury. Needless to say, I was beyond exhausted!

Natural Pain Relievers

3 days later I decided to try putting an ice cube near the area where neck meets head. A GODSEND!!! Prior to this, was taking pain med every 4-6 hours.

I am nearly weaned off pain pills. Just taking one before bed. Tomorrow we’ll be cruising by a Vitamin Shoppe where I can pick up some Horsetail. Great for bones and kidneys. Comfrey is another, but I like the fact that horsetail helps kidneys and bones. A bonus on helping kidneys is it helps our 3rd kidney, which is our skin.

“According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), bone health is governed by the kidneys, where chi is stored. The kidneys keep your blood clean and your bone marrow healthy and flowing.” ~Christiane Northrup, M.D.~

Should I need surgery, I may. For now, weighing the opinions from reputable sources. If they need to realign bones before casting, I will opt to be put to sleep. More drugs and YES, a serious detox is in order.

While pain pills can ruin the kidneys, horsetail will improve them. Having met a young man on dialysis (from pain pills), that’s good enough reason for me to get off them sooner than later.

Thankful For Acting Than Reacting 

Shortly after incident, was able to do hydrotherapy, alternate hot (water in bottle) & cold (ice). Next was some pain oil and that pink bandana of a makeshift splint. Thanks to my friend for his 2 helping hands. Prior to these treatments, wrist began bruising. 12 hours later at hospital, bruising was gone and swelling minimal. Despite a bumpy painful hour after hour drive. Of course prayer helps.

I must give thanks to the article that crossed my path just a few days prior. With my desire to step away from Facebook, I now come across only what I’m meant to. That being the ice cube “miracle” as they call it. The benefits are many and so worth the read.

day after getting off mountain, hopped on truck.

day after getting off mountain, hopped on truck.

Spiritual reasons why I broke my wrist? I have a few ideas. I do know the Universe has my back. My only job is to let go and remain a passenger, UGH! Just happy to be in the upright position. And unless there is an awesome divine design plan that I should do instead. I will do… May it entail driving 😉 Otherwise, still weighing pros and cons of which company to drive for, then perhaps transition into helping drivers attain and maintain their health. A subject near and dear after my brother suffered a stroke while behind the wheel.

3-16-16  UPDATE

I did have surgery. I also had a near death experience, and the metal plate in my wrist has helped turn me into what my 80 Guides refer to as, a Medicine Woman Medium.



There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths. ~Mark Nepo~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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