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Green, Clean & LEAN
By Carmen on July 3, 2009
When you are green inside, you are clean inside. ~Dr. Bernard Jensen~
Wondering how to go about eating more vegetables? It’s quite simple and inexpensive! The following are a few tricks I use to give to my grand nieces and nephews.
- Whatever you eat hot, line your plate with some chopped spinach first.
- Use spinach in place of lettuce, and/or add it to soups just before serving.
- Kale Chips – I discovered this recipe from the local CSA that I volunteer for each week. Chop up Kale, spray/drizzle olive oil and sea salt over and bake (at 350) for 5 – 15 minutes (depends on oven). Quite tasty – kids love it!
- Add seaweed to soups or salads, or eat as a snack.
- Steam veggies in a steamer, such as Black n’ Decker. Set the timer, come back and you’ve got perfect veggies every time – it is fool proof! Steamers are also great for your choice of meat, seafood, rice or heating up leftovers.
- When preparing salads or any vegetable dish, use as many colors as possible. Not only does it look more appetizing, the more colors, the more vitamins.
After having 4 grand nieces and nephews live with me for most of 2008, I quickly discovered they are NOT the PICKY EATERS parents make them out to be. The 2 year old wanted 2nds and 3rds of the green foods. I told her I was going to spray all her food green (with a natural dye of course).
If we’re not willing to settle for junk living, we certainly shouldn’t settle for junk food. ~Sally Edwards~
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