Healthcare MARKETPLACE?! How About A Green One?

By on May 24, 2013

Car insurance does not keep our car running, so why should health insurance be expected to keep us running?


A list of plans has been unveiled, like the Price Is Right, showing you what’s behind door #2. To think this is the answer to the majority of Californians health care woes is ridiculous. Though, even more absurd is those who rely on this type of marketplace mayhem. You don’t need health insurance to be well. Relying on it, paralyzes people to pretty much doing nothing to attain or maintain their health.

VEGGIESWe pay for auto insurance in case of an accident, theft, damage, etc. Auto insurance companies don’t go around unveiling their marketplace of Platinum, Silver, Gold, or Bronze. Yet, healthcare is doing just that. How about going green? Electric cars help save the environment, eating more green can help save you – It’s that simple! With more color, you get more vitamins.

Going bankrupt over preventable medical bills has become all too common. Accidents happen, ignorance is a choice. Can’t help but wonder if any of these plans include prevention and/or education? Until they do, those relying on others to be well will keep getting what they’ve got. Colds, flu, and more. ***Please note, this does not single out Californians or the United States. Dis-ease knows no boundaries.


Dis-ease lies at the end of your fork, not from a deficiency of health care!


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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