- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Herbs, Pregnancy and Miscarriage

“If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes.” ~Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, MD~
Nowhere does that quote say HERBS.
Anyhow… While pregnancy has become an unplanned side effect for some on a detox, it sure beats liver failure and/or death that prescription drugs can cause.
Now that Bootea is being blamed for birth control pill users becoming pregnant, detox and herbs have once again gotten a bad rap. And tho this is old news, the story continues to fill my inbox.
“They” somehow forget the countless side effects caused by pHARMaceuticals. Seems the only negative effects of legal drugs that make the news are, MASS MURDERS.
Television not only makes a person hungry or buy certain things, the drug commercials and all the dis-ease causing side effects of them (listed on fast forward of course) don’t stop people from consuming those either. Yet, I’m sure this herbs, pregnancy connection thing will make an increasing number of people even more skeptical of the the wonderful world of detox. Their loss.
One day on any prescription drug is more than enough for me. I like my brain, and quite frankly, IT likes having control of my body. With today being the first day back on computer since wrist surgery, I’m keeping this short (and links almost nonexistent). Especially since I am no longer on pain meds, thanks to my horsetail and magnesium. Both of which I’ll write about soon.
Pregnancy. To Be Or Not To Be?
I can understand the shock and upset of wanting to lose weight and/or detox, but getting pregnant instead. Not cool. However, for those perturbed, anger is the last thing the child needs.
And detox fad or not, doing your homework before starting any health regime (conventional or alternative), will prevent more than unplanned pregnancies.
However, for those trying to get pregnant, DETOX is exactly how my former employer Dr. Schulze did help couples conceive. It never failed, once both parents got their bodies clean, they were blessed with a child. For those having had one failed attempt after another, just know, there’s a reason one can either not conceive or carry child full term.
Miscarriage or A Blessing In Disguise?
A toxic mother and/or child born from junk food junkies isn’t exactly a match made in heaven. There’s a reason women miscarry, I believe a toxic body is one of them. And as devastating as it is, it can also be seen as a blessing. And by that I mean… Perhaps mother miscarried to spare the child a life in a wheelchair, from being blind, mute and/or mentally challenged and needing help 24/7? I’ve worked with children like this. They are so darn precious and innocent, yet many live in homes away from their family. That is not love or life. It’s a business.
While on the subject of miscarriages, and this post being about side effects. Earlier this year I contracted with You Bar, makers of protein/snack bars. In looking to create my custom recipe, they insisted on ingredients I did not approve of. One being Chicory Root and the other, Agave Nectar.
Since my target market was female truck drivers, I did not want Chicory since it can cause miscarriage. And Agave Nectar… Unless you source your own from an organic plant, the sugar content in it has been known to be kinda, off the charts NOT GOOD FOR YOU. But no convincing You Bar of that. It is no secret that sugar in many forms is responsible for weight gain, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, drops in energy or hyperactivity in kids. Those weren’t exactly the side effects I wanted sedentary women driving trucks cross country to have.
Herbal Side Effects
In making my formulas I include ingredients with the fewest side effects and interactions. Especially when it comes to how they interact with pHARMaceuticals.
In doing a quick search on Bootea ingredients, I was only able to get a list on their Daytime Detox, which includes: Chinese Oolong tea, Maté leaves, Ginger root, Fennel seeds, Lemongrass, Dandelion leaf, Ginseng root, Gotu Kola leaves, Nettle leaves. This list also states, “NOTE: The Daytime Detox does NOT produce a laxative effect (only the Bedtime Cleanse will operate in this manner).”
I wasn’t able to find an actual list of ingredients for their Bedtime Cleanse, but did find the following ingredients amongst paragraphs on it: Senna leaf, psyllium seed, Peppermint leaf, licorice root, fenugreek seed, burdock root, hawthorne leaves, Valerian root.
So… without cross referencing (for wrist sake) or giving details, I DO know
- Dandelion is great for the liver. And our liver processes hormones
- Licorice can interfere with hormones, as you’ll see in this quote
“Licorice is also used in an herbal form called Shakuyaku-kanzo-to to increase fertility in women with a hormonal disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome.” ~Medline Plus~
This is only an intro, but those 2 herbs can be at the root cause.
If you’re considering adding one to the other, one of the greatest benefits of taking herbs alongside pharmaceuticals is… You’ll either need to decrease your Rx dosage or wean yourself off the prescription entirely. A win-win if you ask me!
Detox or Pregnancy?
With some Know How, pregnant women can detox. I’ve helped a few. Tho, with states like mine (California) and certain countries trying to take away parental rights, one must put their child’s future ahead of their own desires. If being a DINK (double income no kids) is your thing, preventing pregnancy without drugs, invasive procedures, or herbs can be done too.
Bottom Line is… Bootea, like You Bar need to do their home work. Since most consumers won’t.
PLEASE know, I am not one for bashing, let alone in public. But when a company repeatedly lacks integrity of customer service in between apologies, is childish, ignorant and disrespectful… Being of Golden Rule era, my job is to prevent it from happening to someone else.
In closing, KUDOS to those new moms that are embracing pregnancy. May you put more thought into their environment than your dream home.
Question now is… did they get pregnant because pill stopped working or because their liver got a tune-up? I say both! Which is more reason why women trying to get pregnant SHOULD DETOX. Your child and their brain will thank you.
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