- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse – 4 People, 4 Results

If you answer YES to any of the following questions, help is on the way!
- Do you find yourself getting uptight or angry easily?
- Do you have pain on your right side following meals?
- Do you experience night sweats?
- Have you been diagnosed with gallstones?
- Did you have your gallbladder removed?
- Do you have one or more vertical wrinkles between your eyebrows?
Ignoring your liver is like never changing the oil and filter on your vehicle, EXCEPT, your vehicle can be replaced. This weekend two family members, one friend and I did this cleanse. For two, it was their second time, for another their 5th or so time, and for me, possibly my 10th time since 2005. Hard to believe I still have gallstones, but I do. We all do. People ask why I have gallstones when I eat great most hours of the day/days of the week and I detox regularly.
Early on this path, I believe my gallstones were due to over a decade of being constipated (and not knowing it). A vegetarian since the 60’s, the bread, pasta and cheese took their toll. All causing a gluey web that traps gallstones, mucus, parasites and dis-ease. Working with and around chemicals as a hairdresser then seven years concrete construction didn’t help matters. However, nowadays I believe the remaining gallstones may be due to bitterness I had toward an ex boyfriend. On certain occasions, I literally felt my blood boil – this being very detrimental to my liver. Since our liver is the organ of emotions (and anger), the opposite is also true. A liver in dire need of flushing can cause anger. Aside from that, I’ve got one more cause to rule out, I do know that if I eat the wrong foods, my liver aches.
This first photo is something that came out after I did the liver stimulating flush I designed and a coffee enema (back in 2004/5-ish). Of course the previous other liver cleanses helped dislodge it as well. Prior to this being released, I’d go to sleep with my forearm pressed over the right side of my ribcage (over liver). After this came out, the pressure inside was gone. I regret not taking it to a lab since I’ve read and heard that tumors can be pyramid shape. This 3 x 5 x by almost 2″ thick thing came out had many pyramid like protrusions. Aside from the mucus on certain areas, it resembled the liver some buy (and eat) in the grocery store. I honestly believe had this not come out, I’d be following in the footsteps of my late parents… on the road to premature death.
These next two photos are a jar full of gallstones I released in 2012 after an ultrasound (one week prior) showed none. Despite the negative results, I decided to do this cleanse because of the pressure I was feeling again.
Now fast forward to this weekend and even more stones were released than what you see here. This last cleanse was also the first time I woke in the middle of the night wanting to vomit (but didn’t). Twenty-four hours later, I was still releasing stones of different shapes, sizes and colors, with four being 3/4″ in diameter.
SKEPTIC ALERT: many may roll their eyes in disbelief, but the proof is in what comes out AND in how you look and feel. Anyone can read and find something wrong with just about anything. Wherever the doubt, one should not judge this or any cleanse unless you’ve tried it yourself. Many are busy trying to find a reason NOT to do something that they end up paralyzing themselves into doing nothing. I’ve met a few who have died from paralysis of analysis. Please don’t let this be you. I understand there are fanatics who do everything – time will tell what happens in the end for them. I just know I feel better at 50 than I did in my late 20’s.
I’ve also had people in the medical profession question my age before a, far and few between routine procedure/visit, saying I did not look my age. They were wanting to be sure they had the right patient. Something I appreciate since medical mishaps happen. As for how I keep my body clean, lean and aging less than many my age, this cleanse is one of many ways. It is one of 20+ cleanses from my Ageless Aging book. There are different cleanses (for colon, kidney and liver) in the book, this one just happens to be great for either those with detox experience, the brave, or if having a gallbladder attack and time is of the essence. Whatever your level of health or detox experience, it is great for any and all.
This is a fast and very effective cleanse to eliminate gallstones. It wakes up a sluggish liver and gallbladder. It’s a 1 to 1 ½ day cleanse depending on the amount of waste you carry or that is ready to be released. It is best done on a day off, especially your first time trying it. In her book, The Cure for All Cancers, Hulda Clark recommends doing a parasite and kidney cleanse beforehand to minimize the side effects. I have helped many do this cleanse successfully without having done a parasite and kidney cleanse prior. Use your best judgment/inner voice.
For those who’ve never cleaned their bowel or liver, or it’s been years since, it may take more than one cleanse before stones are eliminated. Don’t rush; it took years for your body to become blocked – give it time to unblock and release. I was shocked at how many stones I eliminated with this cleanse. Never in my life would I have believed I had stones. I was experiencing pressure over my liver and gallbladder area and weight was creeping on around my waist for no apparent reason. This being one clue that the liver is in dire need of cleansing.
Preparation is key. Always try to buy organic and remember, your bowel must be moving and eliminating regularly prior to doing. This will give you optimum results with the least side effects. Be sure to read instructions a few times beforehand – timing and preparation are critical if you want the best results and least side effects.
- Olive oil – ½ cup, light olive is easier to get down (ozonate if possible). I have never ozonated my olive oil, and still have great results.
- Fresh pink organic grapefruit –1 large or 2 small
- 3 cups clean water (We always recommend Structured Water)
- Ornithine – 4 – 8 capsules (to help you sleep)
- Large plastic straw (drink fast after mixing well) this is optional
- Pint jar with lid (an empty peanut or almond butter jar or canning jar works well)
- Epsom salt – 4 tablespoons – the salt opens up your bile ducts so the stones can pass pain free. Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate (saline laxative). It is also used for soaking aches and pains. Good news for some, Epsom salt now comes in capsule form and can be found at drclark.com. I prefer to take anything in its most natural form, so I am not sure how these work when compared to the loose salt. You may want to try the cleanse the original way first (not using capsules).
- Black Walnut Tincture, any strength — 10 to 20 drops to kill parasites coming from liver.
**the black walnut tincture and ornithine can be purchased on Vitacost – this link will give you $10 off. If buying from a store, be sure to buy Ornithine alone, not ornithine with arginine. Both great for the liver, though arginine may prevent you from a decent nights sleep.
You will have plenty of extra Ornithine, Epsom salt and Black Walnut Tincture to repeat this process, but wait at least two weeks. Also, you’ll want to refrigerate your Black Walnut Tincture between those times. According to Hulda Clark, you will need to expel a total of 2,000 stones before your liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies, bursitis, or back pains.
Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without – taking them may prevent your cleanse from being a success. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch, such as: cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
2:00 p.m. Do NOT eat or drink after 2 o’clock. If you break this rule, you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbsp. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar and shake or mix well to dissolve salt. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get cold. It goes down easier when cold.
6:00 p.m. Drink one serving, 3/4 cup of the cold Epsom salt water. Mix well first. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbsp. in 3/4 cup water now and drink. You may add 1/8 tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth.
8:00 p.m. Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of the Epsom salt mixture. Mix well first. You haven’t eaten since two o’clock, and you shouldn’t feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success.
9:30-45 p.m. Pour 1/2-cup olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. Having 1/2 to 3/4 cup grapefruit juice is best. You may add some fresh lemon juice to the olive oil. Next, add the Black Walnut Tincture (10-20 drops). Close the jar tightly with lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this).
Now visit the bathroom one more time, even if it makes you late for your ten o’clock drink. Don’t be more than 15 minutes late. You will get fewer stones.
10:00 p.m. Drink the grapefruit/olive oil drink. Take four Ornithine capsules with the first sip. This will help you sleep through the night. Take eight if you already suffer from insomnia. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier for some. Mixing it well makes it go down easier as well. I try to get mine down without stopping – it’s easier for me. You can take it to your bedside, but drink it standing up. Get it down within five minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). The faster you drink the easier it is to get down, same goes for the Epsom salt with water.
Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don’t. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don’t worry about cleaning up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down go to bed and lie flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow.
Try to think about what is happening in your liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Now go to sleep and lie still.
Next morning: Upon awakening, take your third dose of Epsom salts. Mix well first. If you have indigestion or nausea, wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Do not take this third dose before 6:00 a.m.
After two more hours take your 4th and last dose of Epsom salt. Wait two hours before eating. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later, eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By dinnertime you should feel recovered.
Expect diarrhea in the morning as you eliminate stones. Some people (including myself) begin eliminating stones the very same night. This did not happen to me until several cleanses later. Stones are easy to spot because most float. Try counting as many as possible. I cannot believe stones come out of me each and every time I do this cleanse. One time I eliminated a stone that was an inch in diameter! Once the stones begin coming out, you can expect them to continue coming out throughout the day and possibly into the next.
This procedure was taken from www.curezone.com and the book, The Cure for All Cancers by Hulda Clark. Recipe can also be found in her book, The Cure For All Diseases, as well as most of her books. Hulda Clark does not take credit for the discovery of this cleanse. She states this recipe was invented hundreds if not thousands of years ago. It works extremely well and will remove gallstones WITHOUT surgery.
As for the other 3 who did this cleanse, they too removed gallstones. Since our diet (since birth), lifestyle, and/or our age differ, results varied. For my friend, he and I began eliminating stones the first night and into the next 24 hours. My two family members both released stones, the younger had 2 large stones and a lot of tiny stones. Two days later she is still eliminating gummy bear like stones. While the other family member said she had two toilet bowls full of stones, nothing since. This, being both their second time doing this cleanse. So, whether it’s your first time or your tenth time, as you can see by the four of us, your results will vary each and every time. You may also get more than stones out. One client had a 5″ tapeworm come out the first time doing this cleanse. Just as water that sits too long in something like a pond (or neglected swimming pool), things begin to grow. The same growth can and does happen in our body. Add to that our body temperature of 98.6 and it’s perfect breeding ground for dis-ease. Just know, if you barely get any stones (or anything) out, not to worry, do a few more times to be sure nothing is trapped. Also know that getting your bowel clean helps the liver, and vice versa.
“When one improves the liver function through simple dietary habits it is possible to achieve many health benefits, especially weight control and internal cleansing of the body.” ~Dr Sandra Cabot, Author of The Liver Cleaning Diet~
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