Lemon For Cancer

By on March 26, 2015

I just LOVE old school, no fluff, folk remedies! This one doesn’t just include lemons… you use the peel of a FROZEN one, and nada mas.

Like the potassium broth recipe my former employer Dr. Schulze made to treat many with so-called “Incurable” diseases. The peel only is used. As this, is where you get more bang for your buck! You’ll just want to use organic, or even better, WILD lemons. Wild are simply those grown on their own, not pampered under pristine conditions, so they tend to be stronger. Thus passing on their properties to you. An added bonus is that they cost less.

A Snippet of How To Use Lemon For Cancer

‘Once the lemon is frozen you can grate it or shred it and put it on everything you eat. The big Pharm doesn’t want you to know that lemon is capable of killing cancer cells because then they would be losing money.” ~www.buyNonGMOseeds.com~

Another benefit is that it should be easier on those with sensitive teeth. If sensitive teeth are an issue, I recently read drying and powdering egg shells will remineralize them better than anything! Can’t wait to try this (once I’m no longer on the road).

Still not convinced? Consider this?

“Another benefit of lemon is its ability to rid the body of tumors and cysts. They have anti-microbial effects against bacterial infections and fungi and it is effective in getting rid of internal parasites and worms. They regulate blood pressure, acts as an anti-depressant, and they combat stress and nervous disorders.” ~www.buyNonGMOseeds.com~

Tumors and cysts are often caused from excess mucus. Cayenne pepper helps rid body of it, which is why Dr. Christopher’s 3-Day Mucus Cleanse is so powerful. I actually prefer it over the Master Cleanse. Tumor, cyst or parasite…  they can all lead to cancer.

We mustn’t wait for cancer or any other diagnosis to take ourselves serious. Dis-ease prevention is a gift that we can give ourselves day in and day out. This frozen lemon is a perfect and practically free way.





About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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