Mid Life Zit Got You Down?

By on June 17, 2009

It did me! You might be asking yourself WHAT does a zit have to do with living long? A lot actually! According to my former employer Dr. Richard Schulze, he states the skin is referred to as the 3rd kidney. If our kidneys are clogged and sluggish our skin literally tries to ‘poop’ out what our kidneys can’t. Not only does food wreak havoc on our skin, medications can ruin our kidneys.

I worked with a customer whose job was to hook people up to dialysis – he stated the majority of patients he worked with were on dialysis due to the OVERLY PRESCRIBED ANTIBIOTICS! This common ‘remedy’ caused their kidneys to no longer do their job.

Use your skin as your guide, your gauge, your scream for help that something is out of balance. Please note* skin breakouts can come from other reasons, such as touching your face too darn much! Though diet is key. If your diet is full of animal foods, white flour, white sugar, white pastas and fried and processed foods, chances are your kidneys are struggling to keep your blood clean and thin.

A man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple.   ~Japanese Proverb~


as sweet as that quote is, when we love ourselves we take care of ourself and lessen the chance for an outbreak of any kind.


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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