- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Mountain, Lion and Menopause, OH MY!

Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid. ~Franklin P. Jones~
Feels so GREAT to be back online and what most consider “civilization” after 5+ months of living in the woods. It was a journey I set out to do and mentioned in a previous post.

my home in the woods
But between the fly overs, raids, arrests, and confiscation of vehicles and plants, I was enlightened rather quickly and thankful I did at least learn how to grow the medicine. This after talking about it for years.
What started out as fearless and ready as I would ever be. A few months into it, I became afraid of the dark and lacked physical and emotional strength rather quickly once faced with danger, the sudden onset of rain, time change and painful cold.
My first month I cried everyday (for far too many reasons to list). A great emotional DETOX however! I’d look up at the trees and think… even if I wanted to hang myself, there wasn’t a branch strong enough (being surrounded by pine trees). I’m thankful suicide is something I AM afraid of, besides… I’ve got my 8 y/o grand niece/godchild to live for.
After 3 months of sleeping in a tent, I got flooded out. So I slept in my vehicle 3 nights. I then went back in my tent for one final night, which was the night I woke to the sounds of a couple animals. Not knowing they were a deer and mountain lion until morning. My prayers were answered—My kitten and I were spared!
I’m so thankful the lion was busy chasing a deer, otherwise I’d have been shark bait, in an offshore sort of way. You see, September (like June) was a month of 2 very heavy menstrual cycles, thanks to perimenopause. So profuse, I nearly drove myself to the ER twice!
However, with my late mother and Aunt having had hysterectomies for the same reason, I knew that was not an option, but I was open to laser or some other type of less invasive treatment.
Aside from wanting to enter menopause naturally, having a hysterectomy can cause the bladder to collapse. This happened to my mother, which then led to 2 surgeries, the 2nd one going very wrong.
Prior to the mountain, I had been so anemic that doctors said it was equivalent to being low 4 pints of blood. My condition did improve once I began taking Vitamin C to help my body absorb the iron.
I was no doubt still anemic however, having fainted late July on a quick trip (and break from mountain) to Memphis.
What caused me to become weary was the night of the mountain lion (and still no end in sight). “The bait” is what made it so darn scary! Those being a urinal full of blood, a trash bag full of waste and soiled clothes from having to get up hourly. TMI (Too Much Info) perhaps, but really no way to explain the reason I prayed for my life.
Never in my life would I have expected perimenopause to be what it has been, let alone spend it where I have. This journey has been far from a walk in the park.
With more than 30-some symptoms associated with this change, I refuse to take prescription drugs. Aside from migraines, foggy thinking and downright profuse bleeding, I am thankful diet and detox have spared me PMS for nearly FOUR decades now. I DO however, welcome “the change” into menopause.
Heck, looking back now… buying stock in diapers and cigars (aka… super duper maxi pads and tampons) may not have been a bad idea.

flower pot heater with cedar–bringing the sweat lodge home.
The bed not so much, having had water damage (and the smell of stench that came with it), so I removed the damaged wood. I bought myself a cot and slept on that in the trailer my last 3+ weeks on the mountain.
With several windows jammed open, there were a few times it hurt to walk–that’s how cold my feet were. I also shivered so hard, my kidneys hurt. I was thankful for my flower pot heaters and boiled rocks that kept me from getting what felt like frostbite.
I am forever grateful for my tiny house that became my home and for the sweet friends/neighbors who made it possible. I was also happy for my gun giving me back my courage. As I needed it for more than wildlife.

rocks wrapped in a towel, placed by my feet brought warmth up my spine. On simmer all night brought warmth to trailer.
Here it is the middle of December and Aunt Flow from Redlands has finally
backed off. I am grateful that my days of digging a port-a-loo and doing the dishes outdoors, rain or shine have ended. I do miss my solar shower, but again,
thankful I am cozy and no longer shivering to the point of pain. I no longer need to go to bed after sunset from having been (past tense) afraid of the dark. Sleeping in my vehicle a month DID wreak havoc on the muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders, though they too are letting up!
For now, I’m thankful to be on the up and up! I KNOW exhaustion having worked 7 years construction in the Arizona desert, then again my first week of getting custody of 4 wonderful children. But never in my life have I been so exhausted on every level.
My first 2 days off the mountain I cried off and on from both being OFF the mountain and from exhaustion. I literally felt like I had PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and was in DIRE need of bed rest for a week hooked up to an IV. I kid you not! I’m tough, but THAT did me in!
Besides those, the only 2 side effects since leaving the woods were my nose becoming ever more SCENT-itive and DAILY migraines from fake lighting, bright treeless skies and screens of technology. Migraines as I mentioned are also a (peri)menopausal symptom. I do also need to get my eyes checked soon. For not wearing eyeglasses since having them prescribed, both in elementary and again in college… I’d say, detox has served me rather well!
Optimism is the foundation of courage. ~Nicholas Murray Butler~
I am forever grateful for what many take for granted. Going without a shower my last 15 days on the mountain was again proof of the power of a real food diet and regular detox. A couple sponge and several baby wipe baths and I was good to go. Rinsing my hair with vinegar twice was how I kept that clean, though my brain did shiver for over an hour, one of those two times.
All I could tell myself was being cold does have anti-aging effects. I cannot imagine what others have gone thru to survive harsh dangerous environments, but I do know I will never do that sort of thing again, especially alone.
Looking back now, I believe being of the Pascua Yaqui tribe, always seeing the glass half full and having my mother come to me in two dreams my last week there (after none for 8 years), gave me strength. The ongoing bleeding, it appears may have also played a part, to which, only now am I thankful.
“Perhaps most fascinating of all, is that many tribes believed women were more powerful, spiritually, during their periods – and that they even had special intuitive powers. Some Native American tribe members would call upon menstruating women for their advice, insight, guidance, or to connect them to higher powers.” ~CycleHarmony.com~
Little did I know then, my symptoms weren’t just perimenopause or Sjorgren’s. I was in midst of spiritual awakening. I have since had more than 60 symptoms. Each and everyone, being worth it.
In short, it took losing “my baby” and sleeping in my vehicle to realize I was in the midst of spiritual awakening.
Of course there are more details, but suffice to say… Addictions and false accusations directed at me, got me here.
It’s not what happens to us, it’s how we respond.
May you be blessed
I AM now a, Medicine Woman Medium. My guides have named…
Saint Carmen, thee Urban Ascended Master
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