New Year, New Years Detox?

By on January 3, 2015

now that a New Years detox seems to be gaining momentum, there are some things worth knowing. For starters, it takes more than one detox/once a year to really make a difference. Just as it takes more than one oil change to keep a vehicle running and/or going to church more than Christmas or Easter to be spiritual. So simple yet bears repeating.

you are what you eat, drink and think

Problem most newcomers to detox make is they begin without some Know How. Then they blame “Mother Nature’s” remedy for making them feel “ill” and/ or say it doesn’t work. What’s the saying? No pain, no gain. You will have side effects, but you’ll also have benefits. Knowing how to start and stop are key to eliminating/reducing discomfort. Like a scratch that scabs over before healing, detox is a process. Just as you gotta peel thru old layers of an onion to get to the new or remove outer layers of an artichoke to get to the heart… patience is not only a virtue, it’s key to dis-ease prevention and natural healing.

eating healthy most hours of the day and days of the week will have longer lasting affects with fewer side effects than most fly by night quick-fix fasts/cleanses on the market today.

A few things to keep in mind should you decide to detox:

  • winter is not the best time to do a fasting cleanse. Much easier in summer/warmer months.
  • your first detox always takes the longest, after that it’s maintenance. If “they” try to tell you otherwise, they’re either telling you a lie or haven’t a clue themselves.
  • for each year you abuse/neglect your body, it can take 1 month to undo.
  • wean yourself in and out of a cleanse. You shouldn’t expect to eat a huge meal one night then fast the next morning and not be down right hungry or headachy.
  • if it is a deep down cleanse, have baby wipes handy to avoid discomfort.
  • use caution when passing gas, you may put out more than air.
  • drink plenty of water to flush toxins out quicker.
  • a cleanse/detox should not be seen as a green light to eat and drink yourself merry 24/7, fifty-ONE weeks out of the year or three hundred sixty-FOUR days a year.

So much more can be said, for now cheers to a happy healthy new year! The following links provide more information.

side effects


the good, the bad, and the ugly

how to begin and end a fast/cleanse

are you pooped? Try pooping!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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