Organic vs. Nonorganic

By on September 11, 2009

Want to live long naturally? Consider this… organic foods are grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, radiation, growth hormones, or antibiotics.

Non-organic on the other hand is responsible for young girls developing at much younger ages – they are literally aging quicker. Even men are growing breasts these days, and prostrate enlargement (and cancer) can also be caused by these growth hormones. A San Francisco area doctor shown recently on PBS stated that the blood of newborns still has traces of DDT in it – this toxic pesticide was banned in 1972! Something is seriously wrong when generations past are healthier than newborns. Reason being? Food! These chemicals are causing cancers, Parkinson’s, and many other illnesses and disease.

The following are ways to eat organic food for less:

  • grow your own garden and/or get your neighbors involved in a community garden. You What nature intended...don’t need a yard… pots and planters are plenty.
  • join a CSA (Community Sustained Agriculture). can tell you where to find your local one. Click here for the Los Angeles area.
  • Farmer’s Markets – food is fresh, local and in season.

Grocery store produce is better than none at all, but realize it travels thousands of miles, in some cases across countries, so… what you’re getting doesn’t look or taste as good as it could or should. To top it off, you’re paying for the trip to the store.

We’re not born craving packaged food or pesticides – my 3 year old grand niece is proof. She loves green smoothies and sweet potatoes. Children and their demanding taste buds can learn to love real food again. They aren’t the picky eaters parents make them out to be.

When I tour, I stuff fridges full of organic food and stick to that.  ~Avril Lavigne~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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