Picky Eaters Crave What Is In Their Blood

By on July 1, 2014


“A complainer is like a Death Eater because there’s a suction of negative energy. You can catch a great attitude from great people.” ~Barbara Corcoran~

turns out, being a picky eater is all in your head. I believe that to be mostly true. Having had custody of four lil ones (ages 1, 5, 8 and 10) for a year, – it took me less than a week to tame their taste buds. This, after all they were eating was sugar laden and processed snacks and drinks from sun up to sun down.

There’s a reason alcoholics avoid drinking… one drink and they’re hooked. My drug of choice just happens to be chips. Following a cleanse/detox, all I crave is what Mother Nature intended. However, it never fails that once I fall of my real food wagon, I begin nibbling on chips and bread and chocolate, OH MY! That’s all my brain becomes fixated on because it is in my blood.

While picky eaters are created, whether born a junk food junkie or fed everything but real food, both can be reversed. I for one am a 60’s child, the food we ate was real and each meal was made from scratch. For whatever reason, I despised certain meats. That and one of my sister’s joking/tormenting that me I was eating raw horse meat. It wasn’t until my father passed in 1973 that I was able to become the lacto-ovo-pesca-vegetarian that I was born to be.

“In a sense, it’s a battle of cognition. By eating small amounts of unfamiliar foods without negative effects, we enter a state of learned safety, where we no longer fear the new food and can even learn to like it.”  ~Erin Schumaker, Huffington Post~

So although “picky eaters” is a mind over matter issue, there are a few of us who were truly born a tad picky for no reason other than certain foods can make us feel ill. One example for me is chicken. I stopped eating it back in the 90’s. The cleaner my body got, the more it gave me foul/fowl breath. And eggs I can eat, but they’ve got to be brown organic ones. I do use organic chicken broth to cook with, but other than that… turkey a few times a year (as long as I can’t smell it) and I love most seafood!

Should you have a picky eater, just know that introducing healthy foods can be done by simply sprucing them up a bit with something like butter, cheese, Himalayan salt, or even liquid aminos. Those and sprinkling some nutritional yeast is how I converted my little ones.  The youngest (my godchild/Mini Me) now 7 LOVES garlic because I snuck it into her quinoa. Putting a handful of whole cloves for her is a must or she steal mine. The nutritional yeast is what vegans use as a cheese replacement. It is M’m M’m good and good for you! To this day Mini Me thinks it’s cheese  😉

**another way to tame the taste buds is detox – get your blood clean and the cravings go away! And adding some bitter greens and even drinking some kombucha and/or other fermented foods and drinks helps your body crave only what is was designed to take in.

“I am very picky about my food, and I’m very health oriented, so I always try to cook.”   ~Julie Gonzalo~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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