- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Puberty or Hormone Fed Breasts?
A study done at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center found that U.S. girls continue to reach puberty at an earlier age. They also state they haven’t a clue why, but state that obesity may be a culprit. They’re calling it a trend. What they may consider doing is comparing girls who eat non-organic foods to those who eat only organic. They may be surprised to find that the hormones and steroids used to “pump up” the animals larger and faster may very well be doing the same thing to young girls. Not only will they reach puberty sooner, they will enter into perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause sooner – this is not what nature intended.
I’ve seen young loved ones go from being optimal weight on an organic diet to becoming obese and developing breasts practically overnight, with that comes the onset of menstruation. Where is the childhood in that? It doesn’t end with girls or women in general, men and boys are growing breasts and prostrate cancer is on the rise. What hormones and steroids do to animals, they do to humans with an even more detrimental effect on health. The amount of money saved in buying non-organic can cost you your life. Why age faster and die sooner when we can live long, strong, naturally healthy lives?
A higher body mass can be a culprit, but the real culprit lies in the food causing the obesity and the early onset of puberty. **Note, many chemicals found in products can also mimic hormones, but… that’s another post in itself.
“Bears with access to human food get bigger; females hit puberty quicker and have more cubs.” ~David Graber~
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