Swine Flu… no song and dance

By on August 26, 2009

What can be worse than the swine flu? The vaccine! Now more than ever is the best time to take care of your health. Our food can be our pHarmacy. Our gut is responsible for over 60% of our immune, getting the waste out is critical in remaining cold, flu and dis-eae free. Should a cold or flu begin to take hold there are many ways to nip it in the butt.

First and foremost, stop eating so darn much. Start eating more raw food – even soups can help give your body a rest. Get the waste out, consider doing an enema. One of the quickest ways to get rid of fever (and get waste out). This waste serves to intoxicate your system. Ever since I began getting my body clean/detoxing… I get sick maybe once in 10 years. LAst time I got the major flu was when I was under intense stress, and I had been around a sick DOCTOR. Joy! Took a few young’n’s in for a “check-up” and the doctor was sick.

A few more tid bits Ito help stop cold and flu in its tracks.

This a simple and very inexpensive remedy we can all do to prevent future colds and flu, it is excellent for viruses, cleaning out the lungs and more.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

This 1 1/2 min. video shows “how to” inhale the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The man in the video cured himself of cancer. You can also put a few drops of H2O2 into each ear several times a day.


Whatever you do… don’t get the flu shot!

Foods to cut out? Sugar, it feeds infection. White flour and pasteurized dairy – both cause mucus. Processed anything will not give your body life. Consider adding  more probiotic rich foods and drinks (sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, etc) to your meals. These can help balance the intestinal flora, keep your system moving, and help keep you healthy in and out of flu season.

Medical insurance is not enough to keep us alive, let alone allow us to thrive.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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