Why Buy The Cow When You Can…

By on November 4, 2009


There are many milk substitutes such as almond, hazelnut, soy, rice, oat, raw or coconut milk. They are delicious and can be used in place of pasteurized cow’s milk. If you must have animal milk, make it goats or raw milk from a reputable source. Dairy products are very mucus forming. I give my three-year-old grandniece raw milk (and other milk substitutes). Not only does she love them, she is one of the few at her daycare WITHOUT a runny nose.

Note* I am not a fan of too much soy anything. It is known to mimic hormones, which can create a host of health problems. Choose your milk wisely… listen to your gut.

I do believe there are pros to drinking milk. Raw milk was used back in the early 1900’s to heal people. There are good uses for it, such as making kefir and cheese. However, the first milk we drink should be/have been from our own mother by way of breast feeding. There are no mistakes in nature. Why give a child formula and increase their risk for Type 1 Diabetes (and more), when you can boost your child’s immune for FREE the way nature intended? Consider it convenient (and healthy) fast food. Please note** I realize there is no one-size-fits-all approach for all. I was not a fan of milk growing up, however now I love my raw milk and cream. As a vegetarian my body craves the fat, protein and probiotics in it.

To cure disease we should seek to improve elimination, to make better blood and more blood, to build up the body resistance. The method used tends to accomplish these things. Blood conditions rapidly improve and the general condition and resistance is built up and recovery follows.  ~Dr. J.R. Crewe, forerunner to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 1929~


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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