ABC’s of Health

By on April 30, 2010

Losing my father in 1973 and my mother in 2004 has given me a passion and purpose to help prevent disease and needless suffering on myself and others for nearly two decades now. I am mostly self-taught, however, I did study Nutrition at AZ State, Clayton College of Natural Healing, and I worked for Dr. Richard Schulze, a leader in the field of Natural Healing. My Bachelors degree is in Holistic Nutrition, though my niche is detoxification.

A credential I was blessed with and am most proud of took place in 2008. I became a single parent to 4 grand nieces and nephews (ages 1, 5, 8, and 10). Not only was it life enhancing, I went on to earn my stripes (gray hair) and I can now speak from first hand experience! Children are NOT the picky eaters parents make them out to be! My 4 lil ones actually embraced structure, a balanced meal, got relief from natural remedies, and appreciated it all, they thanked me for it… discipline, tonics, and all!

Writing about health can easily include at least HALF the alphabet. However, I give you just three… A, B, and C with a possible dash of D   😉

A – always read labels! The best way to avoid fake food and harmful chemicals is to buy food without labels – the outer walls of the grocery store is where most of the real food can be found. Some grocery stores have a bulk section; Whole Foods and Henry’s Markets are two. Here you can find many of your favorite items without paying for packaging. For example… let’s say you like to buy Quaker Oats 3 pound container for approximately $4.00. In the bulk section, you can fill that container for about .60+ cents a pound. Nuts, seeds, beans, grains, cereals, raisins and more can also be found in the bulk section. Farmer’s Markets and local CoOp’s are another place to buy fresh local food, or… you can grow your own! You don’t need a yard, a whole lot of space, or even a green thumb!

B – belly bigger than your bottom? I thank God for my 3 built-in gauges. In case you’re wondering what they may be, they are disappearing eyelids, jowls, and my belly growing bigger than my bottom. These by the way… can and have happened overnight! However, if addressed sooner than later, they can be a thing of the past. It is becoming unfortunately more obvious that the consequences of poor eating habits do not end with adults.

When the 4 children were placed in my custody, I was required to take them in for physicals within days of “placement.” In doing this, the 5 and 10 year olds we’re diagnosed as being overweight. After just 2 follow-up visits with the doctor, the 2 children were at their optimal weight – this was achieved in a fun, easy, tasty and diet free way!

C – chew your food to a liquid! While growing up, my father always told us to chew our food 25 times before swallowing. What GREAT advice! Even better advice these days is to chew our food to a liquid! It’s not always easy, but a life-saving habit worth achieving! Chewing food to a liquid allows the enzymes in our saliva to begin breaking down the food. It’s easier on our digestion, elimination, and it helps prevent our organs from working overtime and wearing out sooner than later. Another advantage is we reach a satisfied point (and feel full) on less food. Savor thy taste to lessen thy waist!

There is more to living a long naturally healthy life, however, these are just 3 simple steps that help whittle the waist, widen the wallet, tame the taste buds, and help where health insurance won’t!

Had I covered 4 points, the letter “D” would be DETOX. We change the oil and filter in our vehicles to keep the engine running. Our body is no different – with proper fuel and maintenance, it can run smoother and last us longer for days and decades to come!

Say yes on Prop YOU… get the waste out and the nutrition in!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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