- Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health
- We don’t all have the ability to sing out over a racing train, but we do have the power
- In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
- It is nutrient-rich food the places a sparkle in the eye, luster in the hair,
- The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature
- To be free from pain through an injection or a pill has nothing to do with
- We live and boast of what we own; We die . . . and only get a stone.
- The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;
- Constipated despite a real food diet, detox, exercise, water (and more)?
- A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Antibacterial Soap Alternatives That Don’t Wreak Havoc On Your Hormones

Perhaps now that the FDA has confirmed antibacterial soaps aren’t the greatest for our health, those still using it will stop.
HOORAY to the FDA for coming forth!
Pesticides aside, playing in the mud and walking barefoot now spell G-E-R-M-S to some. Little do many know (or some remember) that our immune system was strengthened by getting our hands, feet, and face dirty. Overcoming the flu, an earache, or certain ailments, AT HOME, naturally did the same thing. Water, real food and juice were major players of our at-home Farmacy. We sweat it out, slept it off, and pooped (and/or vomited) the rest out. Our parents had plenty of old school folk remedies up their sleeves, and… THEY WEREN’T AFRAID TO USE THEM! This combination not only got us well in no time, it helped boost our immune system. It was not hampered time and time again with antibiotics. Less was more and life was simple. Our parents had plenty of Know How at their fingertips (long before internet). Not only has that faith and trust (in themselves) been put in the hands of others, the fridge and cupboards have been filled with anything and everything but real food. And with that has come fake/synthetic remedies. Busy working parents, single or not, some good ol’ fashioned TLC goes a long way.
Some of my fellow Baby Boomers may remember the, “put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up” song. A song from the early 70’s. And although no one really knows the meaning of that song (despite a few of the lyrics including that of a belly ache and doctor.), what is known is the fact that both lime and coconut are antimicrobial in their own sense. Who cares what the song means. So powerful, each can be used alone as an effective deodorant AND hand wash if needed. If I don’t use a restroom in a restaurant to wash my hands, I use the lemon from my water to sanitize my hands (and at times, my utensils). A heads up to the DIY-ers on using coconut oil as deodorant. Coconut oil is known to help hair grow. Indian women use it on their scalp and beautiful hair. Also, once while getting my eyebrows threaded, I overheard it recommended to help eyebrows grow back. That’s when my AH-HA moment occurred as to why I began growing more hair under my previously bald underarms. I was using it as a deodorant. And since I use it to moisturize my face, that explains why my eyebrows grow in fast. I’m okay with that. I now either use nothing or lime juice for my underarms (if need be). It’s been more than a decade since since I’ve worn antiperspirant/deodorant. The cleaning of the innards, has eliminated odors coming outwards. Growing up and older is wrought with enough hormonal changes, and scent can be one of them. External hormone disrupters are not body friendly. I for one have been rather blessed to not have suffered PMS over the 37+ years of cycles, but then again my diet has been better than most. I wish I could say the same about perimenopause. No hot flashes as I enter menopause, but heightened sense of smell, fatigue, severe anemia, some nausea, bloating, impatience, and migraines perhaps make up for near 4 decades of nada. If your hormones tend to go haywire, consider steering clear of the antibacterial soap with tricoslan or triclocarban (for starters). Some of those brands include: SoftSoap products from Colgate Palmolive, Cetaphil from Galderma Laboratories, and Dial products from Henkel AG. This is not to single out soaps. There’s a reason for all the fuss over BPA – that too has hormone disrupters. Long before plastic, many items were sold in glass. From water to clorox – even old school pharmacy shelves were lined with glass containers, each with their own cool character! I understand cost and weight issues, but safer solutions are needed. I don’t always agree with the FDA, but do give them 2 thumbs up for imposing new guidelines on these hand and body washes. Like the pharmacies of yesteryear using real ingredients, we can too. Even if that means using fancy free soap and warm water. I’ll no doubt be making my own hand sanitizer/moisturizer in the near future, and coconut and lime may very well be in it. Both can be blog posts of their own for the many benefits each bring. Just know coconut oil is anti-bacterial, fungal, viral and anti-parasitic all by itself. I’ve had some put it in their eyes for infection (organic, raw of course). And lime, aside from being known for its high Vitamin C content (and more), it too can be used as a deodorant.
“Good and Beautiful” being… getting back to no fluff household items and toiletries. It’ll do your world and the environment, as a whole, good! Enough with being a germaphobe on the outside, cleanliness on the inside is what matters. Why pollute your body and surroundings with packaged stuff? Go with Mother Nature’s 2-for-1, tried and true, earth grown edibles instead.
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