What Do Anxiety, Stress, Muscle Spasms and Pain Have In Common?

By on October 1, 2013

PREMATURE DEATH. A darn good reason to know how to minimize, let alone prevent all of the above. Yes, it can be easier said than done, but knowing what I know now, my reaction (or non) to it helps keep me balanced. Though, I must admit the thought and need to update my Q & A’s, brings me a bit of stress. But… since a day hardly goes by without answering a question, I decided I’d work towards being more diligent on getting caught up and posting as they come.

From Mayo Clinic to WebMD to MD’s on and off the web, the research and proof are out there – stress can be a leading and underlying cause of dis-ease and premature death. In my love for learning and helping others, I find it so fascinating that what seems so unrelated can actually be stress. Whether it be job (or no job) related, diet can be a huge factor in making or breaking you and your ability to handle it, whatever the cause. Signs and symptoms can be the body’s way of screaming, STOP!

For some, stress shows up as inflammation and pain, for others, a downright anxiety attack. I’ve had a male business owner call me crying after suffering another anxiety attack. Another time, a friend reached out for help via text – she was at her wits end in trying to help her friend with his ongoing back pain. His widespread inflammation got so bad that, a colonoscopy and three separate biopsies were done. All were negative thanks to his above average diet and exercise. Being that he enjoy being healthy, perhaps his all day sitting job was the culprit. Nonetheless, doctors weren’t able to help despite EIGHT years of various treatments. This friend considered having him send a hair sample to a lab. A process of elimination and getting to the root cause is needed first and foremost. When it comes to our health, why NOT shorten the learning curve?!

Prior to knowing he ate well, I let her know sugar is a huge culprit to inflammation. Next I mentioned misalignment as a cause. Then I asked about stress. BINGO! I let her know his stress may be causing muscle spasms, misalignment and pain. His desk job did not help matters. I then asked about anxiety. Double WHAMMY! Come to find out, he also had inflammation near the back side of his liver (right side). Since the liver is the organ of anger/emotions, I recommended some liver cleansing. I truly believe a clean liver is the ultimate antidepressant and anger management remedy. I also asked if he needed to forgive someone or need to be forgiven. Resentment and unforgiveness can eat away at us.

In paraphrasing Florence Scovell Shinn, author of, The Game of Life, she states the question is not… what’s the matter with you, it is… WHO is the matter with you. This is so true.

Since he wasn’t eating sugar intentionally, low blood sugar (as you’ll see below) may be a cause of anxiety. I asked if he were eating organic – pesticides can wreak havoc on mind, as can MSG and aspartame. I then wondered if he were eating kosher or not. My reasoning behind kosher is that some animals are frightened/angry when slaughtered. This can transfer to sensitive and/or already compromised humans.

In helping many, I’ve discovered asking the right questions is a much better and healthier way to begin reversing what ails a person. Not a drug. A food journal also helps do the trick. It can be eye opening. Blurry eyes, bloated belly’s, headaches, pain, mood swings and more can be eliminated with what’s at the end of your fork. A (now free) simple test to determine what your nutritional type may also be of benefit.

In trying to keep this short, I’ve listed the rest as bullet points for easier quicker reading. May the following non invasive, no fluff, less costly remedies help calm you and your mind. They are not listed in any specific order.

  • Start your day with warm to hot water w/ lemon – helps clean liver and get your bowel moving.
  • Omit processed sugar – it causes inflammation and feeds infection. Consider raw organic honey, stevia, coconut palm sugar, or even raw cane sugar.
  • Detox – constipation and autointoxication makes for uptight people
  • CALM – a powder you mix in water that helps some with stress and insomnia.
  • Saffron – a recent article I read states even smelling saffron can help with anxiety and depression. Very worth trying!
  • Aloe – helps with burning and inflammation throughout body, especially good for digestive system and for those undergoing radiation. It is also the first ingredient in Clean’ Lean.
  • Apple cider vinegar (raw, organic) – a panacea, good for much of what ails you
  • READ LABELS – from coffee to coffee creamers and everything else in a package. Most have artificial something. Try almond or hazelnut milk instead. And if you’re gonna have coffee, make it organic. Pesticides are not good for our brain or body. Especially avoid MSG and aspartame (artificial sweeteners) – both are considered the crack cocaine of the food industry. They can excite the brain to death. MSG (monosodium glutamate) goes by many different names. High Fructose Corn Syrup is another health hazardous man made ingredient.
  • There are great coffee substitutes – DANDY BLEND is one of them. Teecinno is another. My friend just started making his own coffee substitute that is really good. If there’s a will, there’s a way.
  • Teas for anxiety – peppermint, chamomile, passion flower, lemon balm, valerian, kava – some of these can be bought loose, then you can mix a few together.
    • Clean’ Lean – bowel and liver cleanse (see products)
    •  Castor Oil packs over liver area
    • Teas for liver – dandelion and milk thistle
  • Barefoot walking – I’ve recently been told I’m like a sedative because I’m so calm. I’ve caught myself so calm that it seems I stop breathing. My vitals are proof. I contribute it to my diet, regular detox and being barefoot almost 24/7. This 3+ minute video by a cardiologist tells how walking barefoot can put the fire out on free radicals, eliminate inflammation, and turn your blood from ketchup to a wine consistency. This is neither the first time I share this video nor the last.

  • Global Cardio Care – considered a natural bypass, helps your body grow new arteries, detox and so much more.
  • EFT – an Emotional Freedom Technique that helps more than stress. A gentle type of tapping done on meridian points of head, face and body, combined with words to help clear short circuit energy blocks. Many sites to read about, this one (it states) provides some free How To videos.
  • Cold Showers are said to help anxiety
  • Documentary: Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead – very inspiring, though I don’t recommend going cold turkey like they did. If you don’t have Netflix, Hulu has it for free (I hear).
  • Glycerin – one of many sites talking about its effect on blood sugar and anxiety.
  • Nutrition Type Test – a test that helps determine the best foods for your metabolism. Once taken, they’ll send free digital book with meal ideas. Scroll down to yellow box on right side of their site.
  • Cookware – Teflon. Though not easy to show its link to stress and anxiety (yet), it is food related and a huge culprit to what ails many.

“While situations, encounters or events may seem intrinsically “stressful,” it is truly how an individual perceives and reacts to an event that determines whether or not the stress response is activated.” ~Institute of HeartMath~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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