Aspartame Game–On Your Life?

By on January 2, 2015

“I’m devious, cruel, cunning and addictive.” ~Anthony Hopkins~
**said the makers of aspartame

It is a well known fact that aspartame and MSG are considered crack cocaine of the food industry. Both are neurotoxins that can excite your brain to death. Not so well known about aspartame is its “contract on humanity,” according to this article and upcoming podcast.

So poisonous, this white powder can be used to kill ants! If you’re using Nutrasweet, Equal, drinking Diet Coke and/or many other DIEt related products, you’re not only setting yourself up for health issues, future generations will be affected.

So… not only have the devious makers of aspartame wanted a contract on your life, it is their way of depopulation. Just know, they’re not alone… Bill Gates/Microsoft is another proponent.

“Aspartame is not a necessary nutrient, and neither is MSG. The weight of the evidence is overwhelming. If you want to avoid obesity, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, and if you don’t want to make your cancer more aggressive, then you need to stay away from these products. The damage affects pregnant women, unborn babies and newborns. It can produce changes in the brain that are irreversible, depending on when it is stopped. What we’ve found is that it reprograms the wiring of the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, so it doesn’t function normally. These children are abnormal for the rest of their lives in terms of their physiological function.” ~Russell Blaylock, M.D.~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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