BAD BREATH is more than a dental issue…

By on June 5, 2009

Bacteria from poor dental hygiene can cause some bad breath but the main culprit is your digestive tract and liver. It’s similar to a faulty sewer main that gets backed up and smelly.

The 2005 New Orleans Katrina Disaster is a great example – the backed up drainage systems were widely discussed. Illness and disease were a primary concern because of the potential disease the water was capable of carrying. When that water backed up into the city, it not only stunk, it posed many problems. Their flooding was toxic water, ours is toxic waste. A backup in our sewer system combined with our body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect ground for disease.

Get your body clean and it will keep you lean (and healthy) for decades to come! It’ll literally leave you smelling like a rose!

good or bad…

You’re never promised your next breath.   ~Lenny Kravitz~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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