Curing Incurable Diseases

By on August 17, 2010

What doctors refer to as an incurable disease is quite often a disease found in its later stage, one that they refer to as not having “caught it in time.” This of course, is… as seen in the eyes of conventional medicine. Doctors who truly know the miracles of the body, know any disease can be won without the use of drugs or invasive procedures. What is critically important to getting well is a persons state of mind and spirit.

A diagnosis all too often precedes a prognosis (AKA death sentence). Being told we are going to die within a set amount of time should be against the law and never be accepted or expected. This alone is killing people. After both my parents were misdiagnosed, they were given their “death sentences” and both were gone  sooner than told. This is no way to live – it is also far from a prescription needed to begin healing.

We are each equipped with built-in gauges to warn us of failing health. Problem is many have come to accept and expect signs and symptoms as a normal part of aging. The engine that drives us is smarter than any vehicle we will ever drive. The problem lies in the fuel we feed our body. It leaves many clueless on how to read the built in gauges disguised as signs and symptoms. A body, mind, and spirit that is blocked, numb and riddled with aches and pains has become the norm.

God forbid we put a french fry or spoon of sugar in our gas tank. Curing a so-called “Incurable Disease” can be done – what we believe, we can achieve. For some, some this may mean emotional healing – forgiveness is huge. We hurt ourselves more by not forgiving. Whatever the root cause, we can survive and thrive despite any prognosis or death sentence!

“‘Healing,’ Papa would tell me, is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature.”  ~W. H. Auden~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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