Food For Thought…

By on June 27, 2009

There are no seasons IN THE AMERICAN MARKET… Food, Inc (the movie)

Could “food” be the new 4 letter word? Much of the food these days is not like it used to be… fresh, local and 100% real. The only way to get real food is to grow your own garden, visit Farmer’s Markets, or join a CSA. When you grow your own garden, let the plants grow until they produce seeds – cherish those seeds and repeat the process. Fruits and vegetables are meant to have seeds! The GMO (genetically modified organism) varieties are nothing short of Franken Food that takes our right to grow away.

What about meat? If you want the healthiest meat at the best price, consider what’s called “cow-pooling.” Buy your meat directly from the Farmer.

According to Bargain Babe… Each buyer pays a flat rate of about $3 to $5 per pound, which is much less than you would pay for grass-fed beef anywhere else.”

If you think the food you are eating is real, think again… better yet, watch the movie Food, Inc. To find your local Farmer and CSA’s (Community Sustained Agriculture), visit: If you insist on shopping exclusively at your nearby grocer, consider shopping the outer walls… it’s the next best thing to “real food.”

I always say centered food equals centered behavior.  ~Marilu Henner~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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