Holiday Binging, Allergies or Flu Got You Stuffed Up? Unblock Your Nose and Get Healthy Without Spending A Dime!

By on November 27, 2013


“There’s a gas called carbon dioxide and when you hold your breath, you build up CO2 in the lungs, blood, tissues, and cells and that will naturally decongest the nose. Whereas, if you have your mouth open, you’re breathing heavy, you lose carbon dioxide, the nose congests. So it’s a vicious circle – the more your nose is blocked, the more you open your mouth. And the more you open your mouth, the more your nose is blocked.”  ~Patrick McKeown~

Interesting! I gave this Buteyko Breathing Method a try thinking my nose wasn’t blocked, but sure enough, breathing through my nose became lighter! With holiday binging oftentimes comes a stuffy nose (and excess mucus), not to mention all the other unpleasant side effects that stuffing our gourd can bring… fatigue, blurry eyes, bloating, gas, constipation, and in some cases… diarrhea.

“The nose is for breathing, the mouth is for eating.”  ~Proverb~

Whether holiday, allergy, or flu induced, a stuffy nose isn’t exactly a walk in the park. If caused by the flu, the last thing you wanna be doing is breathing through your mouth. You’d be spreading more germs and possibly drying out an already irritated throat. You also don’t want to reach for what may seem like a quick fix in the form of a nose spray. Relying on these or any allergy type medication is hardly the solution – it will only make matters worse. I’ve actually had two friends go through major withdrawals when they decided to stop all antihistamines. One said it was like a drug addict getting off drugs. The other attempted it several times. Have yet to find it if she finally got off completely.

In this 4 1/2 minute video, Patrick shows you how to unblock your nose and reverse mouth breathing. A technique he learned in 2002 from the late Dr. Buteyko, a Russian physician. The Buteyko Breathing Method is said to help reverse many health problems. It is a simple, highly effective way to oxygenate your tissues, organs, and brain. I can just smell-l-l-l the anti-aging effects!

For those suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, the breathing technique varies slightly.

“Another breathing exercise that can help if you’re experiencing anxiety or panic attacks, or if you feel very stressed and your mind can’t stop racing is the following: Take a small breath into your nose; a small breath out; hold your nose for five seconds in order to hold your breath, and then release to resume breathing. Breathe normally for 10 seconds. Repeat the sequence: Small breath in through your nose; small breath out; hold your breath for five seconds, then let go and breathe normally for 10 seconds. This sequence helps retain and gently accumulate carbon dioxide, leading to calmer breathing and reduces anxiety. In other words, the urge to breathe will decline as you go into a more relaxed state.”  ~Dr. Mercola~

Our nose has hair in it for good reason… to keep germs out. Turns out, it also has nitric oxide, which acts as an antibacterial agent to help keep germs AND bacteria out. Nitric oxide also acts as a bronchodilator and vasodilator. Breathing through our nose comes with many benefits. One that is currently being investigated by Patrick McKeown may help put an end to healthy athletes collapsing dead (for no apparent reason).

“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”  ~Sanskrit Proverb~




About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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