Humor In Chemotherapy?

By on September 25, 2009

Kill or be killed?

Some may be laughing their way to the bank. However, Chemo is no laughing matter – a diseased body does not need more poison!

My mother aged a good 20 years after just 3 rounds of chemotherapy. Those who hadn’t seen her for just a few weeks were shocked!

Why endure the poison of chemotherapy (and not know the outcome)? You do not have to lose your hair, kill every healthy cell, or be weakened to death. Disease can be prevented and reversed naturally. Why not stop and reverse the signs and symptoms dead in their tracks rather than have them stop you dead in your tracks?

Those who do survive chemotherapy… time will tell whether or not the cancer will return… if and when it does, it does with a vengeance. Preventing and reversing disease can be easy, but only if you dare to get to the root cause of it. There is no one-size-fits-all cure, just as there is no one magic pill. Dis-ease doesn’t happen overnight. Causes can be emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. Angry at someone? Something eating away at you? Need to forgive someone? We hurt ourselves more by not forgiving, just as not speaking up and taking care of others and not ourselves can have detrimental health effects. I have actually met people that would rather die than forgive. One woman in particular that was referred to me, I point blank asked her father is there was someone she needed to forgive or ask for forgiveness. He stated that she had told him if only she could slap somebody once. Sadly, she died the day after I spoke with him – she also left behind 2 children.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.  ~Suzanne Somers~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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