Ill or Ailing? Try Gardening!

By on March 8, 2010

A positive effect of the  less than optimal economy has been Gardens and Recession Diets. Whether planting your own garden, being a part of a community garden, or buying from a Farmers’ Market or a CSA… REAL food can help keep you lean, clean, green, and not to mention surviving & thriving! It can in fact help with finding your passion and purpose. Freeing the body of toxic waste frees the mind of toxic thoughts and vice versa. “Forgetting ourselves” becomes unfortunately easier when the diet consists of cooked, and/or processed fake food disguised with labels.

Gardening will not only lower your grocery bill and whittle the waist,  it will add years to your life and life to your years! Think you don’t have a place to garden? Pots, wheelbarrows, and even lil red wagons serve quite well as a place to grow your own food. The beauty of growing in small moveable objects is you can follow the sun.

Consider giving gardening a try, you’ll be glad you did! Saving your seeds and or buying organic seeds or seedlings can feed you and your family for days and decades to come! Should you buy fruits and vegetables, steer clear of seedless. They are not what nature intended – they also lead us towards losing our freedom of growing our own. There’s a reason why products such as grape seed extract are popular and effective. Even watermelon seed tea sells for at least $40/pound. Exercise your right to grow your own food, it is is nature’s medicine.

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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