Liver Dis-ease Does Not Equal Liver Transplant

By on July 18, 2013

In the case of adults, it spells LAZY. Medicine, like surgery can be life-saving. Though, the unfortunate truth is they merely buy you time before the dis-ease roar its ugly head again. It’s like putting a Band-Aid over something. Out of sight, out of mind. Yes, but for how long?

Diet and detox are key to living long naturally. Not medicine and surgery. To think I’ve had more than one person roll their eyes and look at me as if I were telling them to eat poison (when suggesting a healthier lifestyle) is mind-boggling. Yet they pamper their vehicle and their pets. I’ve actually had some think I was trying to poison them with my offer of fresh juice. Little do they know, their Frankenfood has taken over their mind. That, and the toxins that circulate in their brain, body, and blood.

More disturbing/sad than an overweight adult, is an overweight child. There is no need for either.

“The primary concern of overweight and obesity is one of health and not appearance.”  ~U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Office of the Surgeon General~

Excess weight is the lesser of evils. You are setting yourself up for a slow suicide. A liver transplant can save a life. And now, one liver can save two lives. This, giving 2-Fer a whole new meaning Two for the price of one. A win-win in extending two lives, but not the answer. Getting to the root cause of premature aging will keep you running smoother longer.

On an even deeper level… what if the liver you’re given isn’t a whole lot better (or the person donating wasn’t the nicest)? The liver is the organ of anger/emotions. Do you really want someone else’s baggage/emotional drama? Yes, there are good souls out there that die young, but consider the consequences. And realize, better than a liver transplant is regenerating your own, and helping the younger generation prevent dis-ease. Adult transplants are bad enough. Children, for basically no fault of their own are now suffering from liver disease and awaiting transplants. Something is terribly wrong. IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS.

“Obesity levels are now so high that many children are suffering from disease more commonly associated with alcohol abuse. Many of them will develop cirrhosis, and some will require liver transplants.” ~Dr. Mercola~

Transplants, like Angelina Jolie’s radical “preventative” surgery, of fixing what’s not broken are not a cure-all solution. You can prevent and reverse dis-ease naturally. It does not come in the form of a magic pill, cutting, burning, or replacing anything. It starts with you treating your body better than your vehicle. Keep it clean and maintain it. Quite simple!

We are not invincible. Unless you are a robot or of Bob Hope genes, you are setting yourself and/or your loved ones up for a less than quality and quantity of life. The liver can literally grow back – why wait for a liver transplant?  Loving your liver, will in fact help you love your life. A clean liver is a great alternative to antidepressants and/or any weight loss fad out there. Better to take control of your body, mind, spirit than have them control you.

“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” ~Jim Rohn~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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