McDonalds Goes Green?

By on January 29, 2013

Kudos to McDonald’s for being considered the only “green” chain restaurant here in the United States! Apparently they are the largest purchaser of fish out here. But what exactly does their eco friendly label mean? Basically, it means that their Alaskan Pollock fish will now come from fisheries that have been certified sustainable by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a United Kingdom agency. Their fish filet sandwich won’t be the only fish item on their menu either. Starting next month, McDonald’s will debut both, their fish filet sandwich as certified, as well as a breadless variety, Fish McBites. YAY – a great step in the right direction!

However, from what I’ve read and understand, this does not mean that fish are wild – they can either be wild caught or farmed. Farmed fish, may save you a buck, but down the road… you may very well be pressing your luck with health hazardous consequences. One in particular is that the fish become He/She’s (for lack of a better term), somewhat of a cross between male and female. What this does to our health? Only time will tell. Since learning about this, I do my best to avoid it when eating out or dining in. I always ask about and/or read labels on their source of fish – and more often than not… even some of the finer restaurants carry farm raised fish. A. Darn. Shame.

McDonald's goes green

McDonald’s goes green

With that said however, I must admit… I loved their Fish Filet! I can’t remember the last time I ate one, but they were quite tasty! Growing up catholic, Friday’s (during Lent) was a no meat day. For me, everyday was no meat, but… come Friday, all 6 siblings and I got to have an occasional Mickey D’s fish filet. I happened to love their fries too. There are a lot of foods, or so-called foods that my taste buds love, but the body does not, and the mirror doesn’t lie in how quickly these foods affect me. From puffy eyes, bloating, fatigue, foggy thinking and more, these foods are no longer an occasional part of my diet. A moment of tantalizing my taste buds is not worth hours or days of feeling beside myself. While I’m in confession mode… road trips tend to make me wanna eat a lil “bad” too. More often than not, this will include chips and a soda, but I’ve also been known to drive-thru for a small order of fries, though once in a very blue moon. And now with their breadless Fish McBites… yikes, I know I’ll be trying them at least once.


To err is human, besides…

Eating healthy most hours of the day and days of the week IS my “diet” – it has worked very well in keeping me well, keeping the waste out, and keeping my belly smaller than my bottom. Of course my regular tune-ups (detox/cleanses) have worked their magic as well.


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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