Organic For WEIGHT LOSS?

By on October 2, 2009

real food doesn't have labels...

Natural, breathing, living, alive, biotical… what do these words have in common? They all mean the same thing – ORGANIC!

Buying organic not only tastes better, it can get you looking and feeling better. Buying local organic saves you money and the planet. Why pay for their long haul trip to the store, pollute the air further, and buy less than fresh? If you need to lose weight, eating organic can help. The chemicals (steroids and hormones) used to put pounds on livestock do the same for humans.

If you were to build your dream home, would you use the cheapest materials you could find? I wouldn’t, nor would I conceive a child with cheap fake food. THINK LONG TERM!!!

Still doing all your grocery shopping at the store? The 4 outer walls have what’s left of real food. Want to save money? Visit your local Farmers’ Market and/or join your local Community Sustained Agriculture (CSA). I hardly buy at the stores these days – when I do, most of my food is without packaging. The following links can help you find places near you. Places that can help get you on the road to healthier eating and support local farmers. A win-win situation for all and the economy!

Another idea is to volunteer at your local farmer’s market or CSA – it will not only connect you with like-minded happy healthy people, quite often you can take home a bag of local, organic, in season fruits and veggies.

Consider getting your loved ones or community involved in growing your own organic garden – you’ll be happier, healthier, and a tad bit wealthier for it!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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