Universal Healthcare?

By on June 15, 2009

“When someone is sick, more drugs are NOT what they need. A sick person already has an overload of toxins… illness is not caused from a deficiency of a certain pill.” Sherry Rogers, author of Detoxify or Die Universal Healthcare – could it be a one-size-fits-all solution? I don’t believe so – it may cause many people to rely on it too much. By that I mean…. instead of keeping fit and eating well, some may figure they can simply take a certain color pill syringefor every ill and be done with it.

Are you one of those who get sick (colds and flu) often? Know people who never/rarely get sick? Perhaps ask yourself what they have in common? Ever since I started eating better and doing seasonal detoxing, I get sick maybe once every ten years, and it’s very mild. Gone are the days where I’m sick in bed for a week with achy eyeballs and every hair follicle on my head hurting!

When you take care of yourself, health insurance (as we know it) is not necessary. Having major medical insurance, in case of an accident or injury, would be all that’s needed. Imagine the savings and decrease in insurance rates if more people did this? Not to mention the time and energy spent on this subject alone! Why not pay for only what you need? This is no different than those who purchase auto insurance with partial coverage.

If you are one of the many out of work, thus out of health insurance… let your food be your pHarmacy!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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