Still Taking Aspirin As A Blood Thinner?

By on November 9, 2009

A Physicians’ Health Study which involved 22,000 people showed that people who took aspirin regularly, were not only at greater risk for hemorrhage strokes, they suffered twice as many brain hemorrhages than those who did not take aspirin.  **Please know… this does not mean prescription drugs are any better.

Quite the contrary… anti-coagulating drugs like Plavix and Persantine have side effects such as: leukemia, extreme fatigue and aplastic anemia. Aspirin though considered “safer” than pharmaceuticals is still responsible for its own side effects… holes in stomach and/or bleeding of the GI tract… OUCH!

Why not avoid all the above problems and benefit from safer remedies? Ginkgo Biloba does exactly that! Some of the benefits include:

  • Enhances memory
  • Protects brain against effects of aging
  • Helps prevent degenerative brain disorders
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Increases blood flow through many arteries
  • Alzheimer’s patients have gotten impressive results
  • Contains flavonoids to protect blood vessels
  • Inhibits (PAF) platelet-activating factor
  • Being used to treat memory, learning, and behavior problems

Consider talking to a physician knowledgeable (and smart enough) to help you wean yourself off aspirin and/or anti-coagulant drugs. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll have money to spare by purchasing ginkgo biloba instead. Another plant medicine to keep help thin blood and improve circulation is cayenne or African Bird Pepper. Best to buy organic or wild crafted in bulk form from a reputable source. Cayenne can be put in a spice shaker, and ginkgo biloba can be used in tea form. No need to pay for fancy packing and labeling if you don’t need to! Less is more, just as basics are the building blocks and our food can be our pHarmacy.

May your conscience be white, your blood run red, and your way of life be green!  ~Unknown~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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