Sweet Potato Pie Without The Crust?

By on December 14, 2009

Think you don’t like sweet potatoes or yams? Think again!! Both are packed with vitamins, high in fiber and easy to prepare. Sweet potatoes have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants. And for those of you counting calories… a medium size sweet potato has approximately 100 calories. The following recipe I discovered when craving something sweet and needing to use up some yams. I have since made the dish with both – sweet potato and yams and both are divine!

  • Scrub 1 medium sized sweet potato or yam
  • Cut into chunks and steam until tender.
  • Remove peel (optional)
  • Mash and mix in real butter, raw honey and top with coconut flakes

It doesn’t get any sweeter (or easier) than that! Great for breakfast, dessert, a meal or a snack attack. For some women, sweet potatoes and yams help with menopausal symptoms. And depending on how they are prepared, the glycemic index can be lower than a white potato, a win-win for many.

**Note: I use all organic ingredients because they are healthier and taste better. A truly sweet potato does not need sweetening. However, raw honey is full of enzymes that are better absorbed by the body than processed sugar. If blood sugar is an issue, omit the honey and the eat sweet potato/yam without a sweetener or you can use stevia (or something similar). Eating them with vegetables and protein helps slow the release of sugar into the blood.

“My dream is to become a farmer. Just a Bohemian guy pulling up his own sweet potatos for dinner.”  ~Lenny Kravitz~


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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