Turning Back The Hands of Time

By on August 24, 2009

Time? Friend or foe? Antiaging and disease prevention are something everyone can do, given some education and the desire to do so. Health reform begins with us! Our body’s “engine” is so much more complex, not to mention more precious than our vehicle’s engine, yet it is neglected more often than our vehicle.

Our food is our fuel, we need to make it high-grade.

Like a high performance vehicle that gets top notch products, our body deserves that ten-fold! You wouldn’t consider making a baby from a bag of chips would you? Actually… this isn’t a great example because that is exactly what couples are doing. Let’s say you want to build your dream home, would you use spare junk parts? A life of quality and quantity requires some long term thinking.

What you put in your body is vital to the hands of time and your face value.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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