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Type II & You. Diabetic Diagnosis Got You Down?
By Carmen on February 27, 2013

A dear mechanic friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I was quite proud of him (and thankful) he decided to reverse the condition himself… FREE OF MEDICATION!! He was wondering what he could begin doing differently with his diet – so without overwhelming him, these were my initial thoughts (that I edited slightly for general public)…
First, I’m wondering if any other test results were out of range? Like cholesterol? Because… quite often with Type 2 Diabetes, cholesterol blocks the insulin receptors. That, and sticky foods. Do you eat a lot of white bread, flour tortillas, white rice/pasta, pizza, and that sort
of thing? Also, animal products – are you eating them 3 x’s/day? I ask because I’m trying to get a clue as to what you’re eating, so I can tell you the culprits/causes. Please see below for some ideas/suggestions.

Basically, you’ll need to remove the blockages that these foods can cause, and believe me… we all have them! You, being savvy on mechanics know a vehicle won’t run long with thick and dirty oil, it is the same with our body. As you’ll see/come to find out, not only am I NOT one for fancy packaged supplements or drugs, I truly believe less is more. I don’t want to bombard you with info, so I’m starting small and simple…
- first thing in the morning (after you brush your teeth), drink warm to hot water with lemon. This will help get your bowel and liver to move and release. Cleaning your bowel helps liver and vice versa. A clean liver helps keep blood thin and clean.
- drink more water throughout day and between meals. To that, you can add ACV (apple cider vinegar, Bragg’s brand or similar). Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water 2- 3 x’s/day if you can. Even easier is to add 4 – 6 tbsp. to a water bottle and drink throughout day. This alone has helped many lower blood sugar and reverse Type ll Diabetes.
- If you eat 3 meals/day, consider backing off to 2. A great meal replacement is something like a smoothie, this would be great for breakfast. But, it should not be all fruit or juice. You can add 1 or 2 fruits with a handful of spinach or kale, even celery. Then add either some nuts or some almond butter, or… believe it or not, an avocado. The fat in these help slow the sugar going into your blood. Chia seeds and nopales are also great to help slow the sugar and both can be added to a smoothie. As a base, you can add water, half juice/half water or even almond milk. Avoid pasteurized dairy. Raw milk is rather good and good for you, so good that Mayo Clinic used it to heal back in the 1920’s.
- you need to be pooping daily ;-/ and this… WITHOUT the help of coffee. Many who are “regular” do so with the help of way too much coffee. A bowel/liver cleanse would be excellent for you. My first client on my CLA (under products) lost 40 pounds in 2 months – since then it has gone to 6 states, another country in a matter of months.
- try to eat dinner no later than 6 or 7, and walking afterwards would be ideal. Our body tries to do it’s thing while we sleep, it does not need the added stress of digesting food.
- for meals… try to have something raw and perhaps green with each meal. With your dinner/meals, you can line your plate with salad or just plain spinach then top it with something hot. If you eat a sandwich, consider having just one piece of bread and using a big piece of lettuce as your top bread. A gluten free, brown rice type or sprouted bread is best. A non white flour tortilla can be used for a wrap instead of a sandwich. I’ve even used chard, collard, or a large spinach leaf to make a wrap.
- while you’re at the store, consider getting some raw organic coconut oil, this, like avocado is a healthy fat. Healthy fats can help slow the release of sugar into our system. A non raw variety of coconut oil can be used to cook with. With the raw… work your way up to 1 tbsp. 3 x’s/day (start slow – 1 tsp, 2 x’s/day). Eat this between meals to help keep you full between meal, thereby helping you eat less). Coconut oil helps body detox and is great for cholesterol and avoiding Alzheimer’s.
- easy on the animal products and… all-you-can-eat places should be out of the question. Even lil ol’ me does not have will power. A 2 course meal is much healthier than a 3 or more course meal, unless one of those sides is a salad. The more raw foods you eat the better, they are like a broom – they help sweep out digested food and excess waste that is causing blockage.
- read labels, or better yet… avoid labels when possible. Meaning, buy real food in bulk. Whole Foods, Sprouts, WinCo, and Mother’s type grocery stores all have foods in bulk, just know… organic is best. A few examples of what you can buy include: oatmeal, rice, beans, lentils, quinoa, nuts, seeds and more. Avoid GMO, aspartame, MSG ridden foods – this is important! When reading labels, the fewer ingredients the better, unless all ingredients are real food. If you can’t pronounce it, avoid it.
- avoid fructose, high fructose corn syrup. Use stevia to sweeten. I’ve got the name of a great brand, otherwise, most stevia is bitter. Avoid packaged sweeteners (splenda, sweet n’ low, etc), very health hazardous. Raw honey is okay, but… in moderation.
- chew your food to a liquid – this is really important because our saliva has enzymes, these help break down food and lessen the burden on our body. My dad had us chew our food 25 times – for you, I recommend 35 ;-)>
and last…
- perhaps we need a field trip to a grocery store so I can point out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Keep it simple. Less is a;ways more. Once these are in place, I can help you detox and give you more food for thought. Many have reversed their diabetes in a matter of days with these minor changes alone, and you can too.
A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. ~Spanish Proverb~
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