Happy Thoughts Provoke Healthy Eating

By on October 7, 2009

Want a better body? Think better thoughts. Our beliefs can be our world, good or bad. Thoughts can also control our eating. Happy thoughts can equal healthy eating – negative thoughts can cause destructive eating, eating to “feel” happy, can and will feed us into oblivion. If a bout of feel good eating overcomes you, look at yourself in the morning. Do you like what you see? I’ve had my moments of eating an entire box of ice cream bars. If eating yourself happy has become an issue, consider avoiding those aisles in the supermarket.I love bread, chips, cheese, ice cream and chocolate, but most of those items I will only buy if I have someone to share with or for a long road trip. Not the best road trip food, but I’m only human.

Carolyn McCormick(who certified me as a coach) states every emotional and psychological pitfall comes down to the following 5 thoughts:

  1. I am not enough or good enough
  2. I am not loved or lovable
  3. I am not right, or something is wrong with me
  4. I am a failure
  5. I am not safe

Narrow these down further and the core belief is: A lack of self love. Happiness is an inside job, we all have it in us. Our job is not to be like others. Rather, our spirit yearns for us to embrace our unique qualities. We each have our own divine design – a purpose to fulfill, one that nobody else can.

He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enlightened  Lao Tzu

Are your thoughts getting the best of you? If so, they only snowball into something bigger than reality. Take your mind off worries, fear, or whatever may be consuming it. Watch a sunset, listen to music, a kitten purr, or see a dog’s tail wag… these simple things in life can lift your energy to a higher vibration. Even skipping can bring back the child in us – I kid you not! If given the opportunity… spend time with a baby – John Gray states, babies are the closest thing to being like God. I know my 3 year-old grand niece gives me the warmest of  fuzzies! My heart does cartwheels when I am with her.

We can Age Less, On Purpose! Next post will give more reasons and ways to love yourself despite the world around us.

The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere.”  Michel de Montaigne~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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