Mental Health, Diet, and Depression

By on September 16, 2013

Accepting a prescription for depression is taking the easy way out. If not given for depression, then prescribed for pain and even GERD (and who knows what else). My friend and I witnessed this firsthand – she for GERD and me for pain, though I refused.

Disorders of the mind are on the rise and the leading cause of non-fatal illness WORLDWIDE. Imagine that, something so preventable has gone global? Not hard to imagine is… HIGH SUGAR intake as a cause.

Growing up in the 60’s, we did not hear of depression, ADD, ADHD or even autism. They did not roar their ugly heads until real food got pushed aside by processed, fast, cheap food. This fake food has done more than affect our mind… our body and spirit have also suffered. This is no secret.


As a Baby Boomer… we played outdoors, ate real food, and were not bombarded with EMF (electro magnetic fields). Our Vitamin D came in the form of sunshine, our meals were made from scratch, and cell phones, computers and microwaves didn’t exist. Yet… time and technology have managed to get the best of some fellow Baby Boomers. Many suffer from one ailment, dis-ease or another, and most are on multiple meds. Imagine what generations behind us have in store? We’ve reached a point where parents are outliving their children. This is terribly sad and wrong.


Medication is not the answer, especially since many psychotropic drugs have very harmful side effects, suicide and murder being just two. Without getting too off track and regurgitating much of what’s out there, the following points are ways to prevent and reverse mental disorders (and more). It’s a matter of taming the taste buds that bind the mind.



  • GMO’s – genetically modified foods
  • Glyphosate – an herbicide
  • High Fructose diets – this is huge and not to be taken lightly.
  • Artificial ingredients and sweeteners

WAYS TO PREVENT AND REVERSE – since our gut is referred to as our 2nd brain, starting there has a wonderful trickling effect

  • Avoid processed foods
  • Eat fermented foods and drinks
  • Take Probiotics – these can be consumed via fermented foods and drinks, such as kefir (curds and whey) kombucha and lassi.
  • **Eat prebiotics – garlic is one
  • **Grow your own organic fruits and vegetables or find a local in-season source. And don’t wash all the dirt off – there are good microbes in the soil.

“PREBIOTIC – non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system in ways claimed to be beneficial to health.

Much can be said about the gut and how it relates to our well-being from head to toe. It is after all responsible for the majority of our immune system. All but these last two **points were taken from a recent article on mental health (same link as above).

Knowing that diet is the leading cause of dis-ease should encourage one to use food as our Farmacy, above and beyond a pharmacy as our pacifier.  Using different color fruits and veggies will replace a different color pill and have you looking and feeling better than the quick temporary fix of prescription drugs. Only will getting to the root cause bring about reason to applause.

It is no coincidence “pharmacy” has the word HARM in it. There’s a time and a place, masking a symptom is not one of them. Do your homework and begin treating your body better than a mechanic does their vehicle.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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