Portion Control… do you practice it?

By on August 28, 2009

It takes discipline and will power to eat only when hungry and stop when satisfied. Seems like everywhere we turn… people, places, and products are being super sized. If not super sized, then more Frankenfood is being passed off as food. These fake foods alone are known to not only be addicting, they are fattening. We may get stuffed, but not satisfied.

Many people go as far as counting calories or weighing food. I prefer to keep it simple by merely eating healthy most hours of the day and days of the week. You’ll see me write that a lot because that is how I eat and I’ve been the same weight since high school, which was 30 years ago. I’ve also gotten better at stopping before I am full – that’s it! What makes it easier is that the cleaner my body has gotten, the less I eat, the better foods I crave, and the weight stays off without trying. I don’t own a scale and don’t care to own one. My clothes and mirror let me know when I’ve over done it. For those of you who do prefer to have a visual on portion control, I came across the following on womentowomen.com

NO fancy measuring instrument. We all have the ultimate portion control tool right at hand — your own hand!

* Your thumb = 1 oz
* Your palm = 3–4 oz
* Your closed fist = 1 cup
* Your thumb tip = 1 tsp
* A handful = 1–2 oz of snack food, like nuts

Whatever you do… do NOT let your vanity lead to insanity. If you look and feel good, WHO CARES WHAT THE SCALE SAYS!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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