Premature Death – An Angel and a King

By on June 26, 2009

FlowersFarrah Faucet and Michael Jackson have no doubt died a premature death – life does not have to be this way! This blog is about Disease Prevention and Natural Healing, Education NOT Medication – You can Live Long (and Lean) Naturally. I do what I do because I am no stranger to premature aging, disease or death. In the early 80’s I drove my 16 year old brother to L.A. Children’s Hospital for chemotherapy. Thankfully, he stopped his treatment and is still here today some 25+ years later. My parents are another story…

In 1973, my father was treated for an ulcer and died 2 months later of stomach cancer. In 2004, my mother had a supposed clean bill of health from a “routine colonoscopy” – YET, she collapsed of a heart attack from being low 4 pints of blood from colon cancer that spread E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E! She too was gone after only 6 months. The horror stories don’t end there… I’ve met and helped many more.

I remember Farrah Faucet saying in her very recent documentary type movie, something along the lines of… “why can’t Western medicine embrace alternative therapies?” And Michael Jackson… was he over medicated? Soon we’ll know. Keith Ledger is another example of premature death.

Did you know 100,000 people die each year of medical mistakes? That’s equivalent to a 747 crashing every other day. Disease Prevention through diet and lifestyle IS THE BEST MEDICINE. Knowing your purpose in life makes it easier… you can have both and age gracefully the way nature intended!

The idea is to die young as late as possible.  ~Ashley Montagu~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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