Health Debate Saga Continues…

By on July 6, 2009

What’ll it be? Insurance based, Socialized medicine, Free- market reform? The” healthcare system” has serious problems, but the #1 problem is people relying so heavily on it! Put your time and energy into eating better and keeping your body clean.  Imagine what would happen if you ignored your vehicle… it wouldn’t run smooth or last you long. Your body is no different –  EXCEPT… that engine will get you from point A to point B longer than any vehicle. You can’t simply trade it in for another, besides why would you?! Begin learning to listen to the smart engine that drives you and heed the warning signs of your built-in gauges.

Choose to prolong life instead of die a slow suicide. I see many do the latter. How can it not be a slow suicide? Not caring for yourself is like throwing in the towel. Do not accept and expect to become overweight and/or disease ridden with age. And by all means, do something positive for your health. I’ve literally met some that have researched themselves to death. Beyond sad, especially when I saw it with a young 25 year old man. Invasive surgery left him mutilated, did not remove cancer, he was referred to me, I told him what I suggested, he kept researching and within 6 months was gone. I have found free advice is not taken serious.

We mustn’t wait for something to break down before we take ourselves cart

With the current economy, why not get back to basics? Take control of your health, rather than it control you! LET YOUR FOOD BE YOUR pHARMACY and see what happens!

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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