By on June 12, 2009

Imagine a world where you look and feel your best everyday? (instead of waiting for a special occasion). Where colds and flu are a thing of the past! And disease, what’s that? Where you take better care of your body, than you do your vehicle? Where you shop the outer walls of the grocery store The Love of my LIFE!and the Farmer’s Markets? Or better yet, grow your own garden… where the only thing ‘fast’ about your food is that it’s fresh and in it’s raw form? Where using a microwave is a thing of the past?  There’s not a whole lot DEAD-ER than nuked food! If you are what you eat, wouldn’t you want to look and feel ALIVE?

Why not age gracefully (inside and out) the way nature intended!  This is the simple solution to Health Reform… Healthy Eating Reform. Instead many have become conformists. Eating what nature intended is easier than most think! Simply aim for local, in season and preferably organic. It is natures was of living long naturally – it’s also the best way to look and feel like a million bucks, not to mention SAVE a million BUCK$!

Aren’t you and your loved ones worth it?

America’s health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.  ~Walter Cronkite~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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