Master Cleanse PLUS – Day 8

By on August 17, 2009

and feeling great!

Since I don’t own a scale, I couldn’t tell you how many pounds I may have lost. Since I am not overweight, my guess is about 5 pounds or so. However, I have lost some inches (though my clothes are still fitting me quite well).

Many take on fasting or cleansing as a sole means to lose weight. Yo-yo detox binging is NOT healthy! Don’t take five steps forward and three steps back, and don’t use fasting or cleansing as a sole means of losing weight or as a green light to eat poorly between fasts. Weight loss just happens to be a bonus! Yo-yo anything can make us look and feel old quick.

There are no quick fixes in aging less naturally.

Onwards to aging less…

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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