Master Cleanse PLUS – Day 9

By on August 18, 2009

and feeling fine!

I was reminded yesterday why I cleanse. TWO funerals in one week – that’s why! Seeing my parents suffer and die needlessly (in 1973 and 2004) is why I am proactive with my health and help others (who are ready) do the same.

Putting your body on the same schedule as your vehicle will keep it running smoother and last you longer. Clean it out every now and then! Don’t be afraid to grow your own food and be proactive with your health. Excuses will only get you so far. Why not eat a different color fruit or vegetable everyday, instead of taking a different color pill AND NOT KNOW THE OUTCOME?

With food as our  pHarmacy, we do have a choice on how well and attractively we age!

Today I included most of the extras (oil pulling, enema, Formula #2), while yesterday I did the Epsom salt and added some watermelon seed tea. I’ve had the tea many times in the past but never while fasting. Wow – it got the kidneys and bladder flushing extremely well! Exercise today was 20 minutes of rebounding.

9 down, uno mas…

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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