Exercise For CREATIVITY!?!

By on January 10, 2014

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~JFK~

from my darling godchild

from my darling godchild

I’m a creative person by nature, so much so that a patent attorney once referred to me as a prolific inventor. The downside is… like anyone, I have bouts of zip, zero, zilch, NADA-ugh! During these times I also forget how exercise triggers my creativity. It never fails, e-v-e-r-y-t-i-m-e I walk, thoughts come to me. Years ago when I walked/ran, I carried a recorder with me for this very reason. Thanks to smart phones these days, my cell transcribes what I say – YAY!

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”  ~Virginia Woolf~

If joggin’ still not sparking the noggin, eat real food! If that doesn’t give you the results you want, DETOX! Oh how my brain thanks me for doing all three. We are born creative – it’s what we do (or don’t do) that takes away this childlike enthusiasm and creativity. Which also reminds me, a great way to free your mind is forgiveness. Forgive like you’re the one wanting to be forgiven. What better way to start the new year. It will have a positive trickle effect.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”  ~Lewis B. Smedes~

Another important factor is SLEEP – do it as if your life depended on it (because it does). And know, not all sleep is the same. Sure, some is better than none, but the time at which you sleep plays a huge factor in, not only your brain, but also in your weight and overall health. In other words, sleeping for optimal health does not mean going to bed the next day then sleeping half of it away.

Our body has circadian rhythms that… if one wants to be healthy, it is best to heed its internal clock. Clocks work best when set properly with ample energy to power them. Our body, for those who don’t know, not only has these hourly circadian rhythms, it prefers to eat, assimilate and eliminate during certain hours.

From a great little book on proper food combining, Fit For Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond:

  • Elimination (of body waste and food debris) – 4 a.m. to noon
  • Appropriation (eating and digesting takes place) – noon to 8 p.m
  • Assimilation (absorption and use of foods) – 8 p.m. to 4 a.m

** aslo referred to as, cleansing, nourishing and gathering cycles. Touted as intermittent fasting – breaking the fast the way nature intended, not with a huge BreakFast.

Creativity depends on what goes in our body, and of equal importance, what comes out. Pounds of excess waste and toxins take up energy and quite frankly, necessary thoughts. Add to that poor diet, lack of, and/or poor sleep patterns, and you’ve got a recipe for dis-ease and dulling of the mind to the point of not allowing light to come in. It is all so simple, yet a vicious cycle. Anyone can wake up early (without an alarm clock) and refreshed. It just takes giving your body what it so desperately needs. This past year as a gypsy, I’m shocked how the average person sleeps their life away. This, not as in a good nights sleep, but because they’re too darned tired to get out of bed, let alone feel creative.

Just as eating more raw foods helps the body detox, sleep helps the brain detox. It helps balance the hormones that help control weight, and it just plain ol’ helps our body regenerate and rejuvenate. Being tired should not be an everyday occurrence. It also shouldn’t take caffeine to wake up or a pill to go to sleep. Just get back on track with your internal clock and rhythms.

“For years I would not take any medicines at all. I don’t think they do much, and lots of times the doctor is using you as a guinea pig.” -Centenarian, Sardinia, Europe~

I’ve always been intrigued by elders who age gracefully. From when I was in beauty school as a teenager and now, I ask their secrets. At 50 years young, I’ve been around long to see and feel what works for me versus what ISN’T working for

she eats, sleeps, and breathes art!

she eats, sleeps, and breathes art!

others. If you want to live a long, naturally healthy, energized and creative life, don’t take my word for it. These centenarians tell you some of their secrets. They may not speak directly on creativity, but their minds are sharp. One man interviewed still works at 100, or as he states “100 and a half.” Exercise, rest, and eating well from all colors of the rainbow are part of their secret. Managing stress is another, as is red wine for some.

It’s time we treat our body, mind and spirit better than our vehicle. We give our vehicle the fuel it was designed to take in, we give it rest, and for the most part… we give it regular maintenance. A pity one does not respect their body, mind, spirit in the same way. Doing so will help it run smoother and last longer.

“Be self-healing, self-sustaining, & self-sufficient by connecting to the greatest doctors on the planet: dr. Sun, dr. Water, dr. Earth, dr. Food, dr. Silence, dr. Exercise, and dr. Nature.”  ~Mariel Hemingway~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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